Quinn Medical

1000 Calle Cordillera
San Clemente, CA 92673

About Quinn Medical

Quinn Medical offers a full line of spinal compression braces with its innovative SLEEQ Spinal Therapy System. Due to its breakthrough InvisiAdjust™ Technology, SLEEQ fits the vast majority of patients with only a single model. Its elegant, easy-to-use, and patient friendly design offers best-in-class comfort for improved patient compliance and outcomes.

Qthermo cold/heat therapy. These professional quality packs integrate into all SLEEQ braces or they can be sold as a standalone offering.

Competitors of Quinn Medical

Proactive Medical

Proactive Medical is a leading manufacturer of healthcare products located in New York and Florida. We specialize in durable medical equipment with an emphasis on low air loss/alternating pressure air mattresses, pressure redistribution foam support surfaces, positioning/ pressure... Read More

Motion Concepts

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VARILITE is the leader in Air-Foam Floatation wheelchair seat cushions and back supports. Air-Foam Floatation combines the best characteristics of air and foam to provide excellent pressure distribution, comfort and stability, all in an ultra-lightweight seat cushion. Air acts like a fluid and... Read More