Therafin Corporation

9450 Laraway Road
Frankfort, IL 60423

About Therafin Corporation

For more than 50 years Therafin has been helping physically challenged individuals improve their quality of life with functional and innovative products.

Together let us continue to touch people’s lives and offer them solutions that convey dignity and respect.

Please feel free to contact us whether the need is for custom seating and positioning solutions, wheelchair trays or other physical and occupational rehabilitation products. Our friendly customer relations representatives are available Monday through Thursday from 7am to 5:30pm CST.

Competitors of Therafin Corporation

Proactive Medical

Proactive Medical is a leading manufacturer of healthcare products located in New York and Florida. We specialize in durable medical equipment with an emphasis on low air loss/alternating pressure air mattresses, pressure redistribution foam support surfaces, positioning/ pressure... Read More

Richardson Products, Inc. is a leading developer, manufacturer, and importer of medical and therapy devices. Founded in 1989, our products include a full line of aids for daily living, durable medical equipment, exercise products, and more. Read More

Freedom Designs, Inc. has over 25 years experience in the design and manufacturing of specialied seating/positioning products and wheelchairs. We offer a multitude of options, materials & foams, plus custom embroidery - allowing each product to be truly individualized for the user. Read More