Permobil, Inc.

300 Duke Drive
Lebanon, TN 37090

About Permobil, Inc.

We are a global leader in trusted assistive technology solutions for power and manual wheelchairs, seating and positioning products, and power assist.

At Permobil we put the people who use our products first. Our purpose is to innovate for individuals; to create advanced assistive solutions that make the lives of people living with disabilities more enriching. Our dedicated teams work tirelessly to make this happen, no matter if they are designing a new wheelchair, testing seating cushions, or supporting a therapist.

Our founders were passionate about providing a better life for people with mobility impairments and that same passion still flows through everyone at Permobil. It now drives us to push the boundaries of technology and our own ingenuity in pursuit of innovations that improve the quality of life of our users. Just as our users’ needs constantly change, so we work continuously to tailor their Permobil products to meet their day-to-day reality.

At Permobil, we are leading change. We see ability. We are innovating for individuals.

Competitors of Permobil, Inc.


Amylior manufactures a Premium Group 3 power wheelchair platform that is available in mid-wheel drive or hybrid-wheel drive configurations going from pediatric to bariatric. A new innovative core technology enhances stability, manoeuvrability and comfort for the end user like no other power... Read More

Motion Concepts

Motion Concepts creates the most extensive range of extraordinary power positioning & seating solutions for all your clients' needs - from the basic to the most complex. Our MaTRx Seating Series include MaTRx-Vi and Flotech Cushions and the infinitely adjustable PB and PB Elite Backs. Read More

Innovation In Motion is a family-owned business, and distributor of the Extreme X4- All Terrain Powered Wheelchair, the Frontier X5-Mid Wheel Drive Wheelchair, the Jewel MPS-Tilt-In-Space Manual Wheelchair, and the Ormesa line of products which include the Dynamico gait trainer, Grillo gait... Read More

News about Permobil, Inc.