Fastrack Healthcare Systems Inc.

255 Executive Drive
Plainview, NY 11803-1718

About Fastrack Healthcare Systems Inc.

Fastrack offers a Free Buying group as well as the only Windows/SQL software solution for HME, Infusion and Home Care agencies in one integrated database. The system incorporates advanced technologies including billing & order holds & edits, order scheduling, document imaging with Fax, Point of Sale, Task Manager,interfaces to UPS and FedEx, Point of care, bar coding,wireless and cellular devices and Map based routing & dispatching. Fastrack offers an EDI On-Line Purchasing module with the abillity to send POs electronically and receive back order and shipping notices, invoices and the vendor's price list/catalog. The company's unique approach to support and training includes a staff with true industry experience and use of WebEX for ongoing training via the Internet.

Competitors of Fastrack Healthcare Systems Inc.

The van Halem Group has become one of the nation's most respected healthcare audit and consulting firms. Together, our team has more than 130 years of health care audit, compliance and consulting experience. As former Medicare program integrity contractor employees, we bring an unique knowledge... Read More